Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 26-year-old male graphic designer in Switzerland.

Then can you draw me how an algorithm works? Ah, you're gonna leave that on now? That's gonna stay on. You can explain what you're thinking. It's kind of like a flow, I guess. But there are different sequences. There's probably a beginning and an end. And what happens? I don't know. Things that change depending on... It's like, it's like, it's evolving. So depending on what happens, that determines what happens next. So you have a triangle, a circle. Yeah, well, it's probably wrong again. So, these are choices that are made? Yeah. These are decisions that are made here, and this is what makes them happen. And if something else happens here, something else happens next step. Okay. So it's interdependent. Yeah. So each step in the algorithm is probably dependent on the step before it. And where does this process take place? This process? What do you mean, where? So what processes are decided by algorithms? What processes? I don't know exactly. Lots, probably. But Spotify comes to mind right now. Spotify. Computers, then? Uh-huh, yes yes. Certainly that. And Spotify would be? There are intelligent playlists, for example, where the algorithms decide what goes in. I have a feeling. Great, that's it. Then I'll stop the recording now.