Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 22-year-old female politics student at Bachelor level in Switzerland.

Then I'd like you to draw below how you imagine an algorithm. And while you're drawing the algorithm, you can already explain what you're thinking or what you're not thinking. Well, I'm thinking about math. I have no idea. So somehow I'm thinking of an equation. But I don't know why. No idea, some x = and then some unknown. Something [laughs]. Something with a really high exponential, no idea. Okay. And why are you thinking of an equation or why math? Maybe because I confuse it with the logarithm or I don't know [laughs]. Or maybe because people think I say algorithms calculate something and then I think of arithmetic, of mathematics. Can you remember where you first heard about algorithms or where you know it from? Yeah, well. Most likely from Youtube. Where algorithms like decide what it shows me. But the same thing actually also in the internet in general, also what kind of advertising or products it suggests to me. Yes. Great, then I stop the recording here.