Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 30-year-old female student of German in Switzerland.

And so there's a second thing I would like you to draw and that is how you think of an algorithm. Algorithm? Uh-huh (affirmative). Oh, wow. Are you going to record? Yes, please. Okay. Algorithm. It's actually funny because my husband is a scientist, so if he were here, he would have given you a really nice answer. Well that's great that he knows it exactly, but we want to know what everybody thinks, not just a scientist- A scientist. Yeah. Well you're a scientist in a way, a language scientist. I'll write a question mark because for me, algorithms are quite difficult to understand, but also they're quite useful even though I don't understand them. I know that they exist for a purpose. Do you know what they do? Yeah. What the purpose is? Of algorithms? Yeah. More or less to solve problems or to have a rhythm of how things come together and to give a reason why. Great, yeah. Can you think of where you've heard of algorithms? Well, I watched the series called Numbers, and the guy there used lots of algorithms. And then secondly, I studied engineering my first year of university, and we did lots of algorithms and mathematics, calculus. Great. That is all about to join.