Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 27-year-old female full-time artist and part-time social worker in Switzerland.

Then I would ask you to draw something again as a second step and that is how you imagine an algorithm, if you imagine an algorithm how it works. [laughs] You can draw from your spontaneously and I'll leave the recorder running so you can explain what you're thinking. Um... algorithm I associate with math and I have this... I remember that but I can't explain it and I don't know what it means [laughs]. But it's just so... Algorithm is a programmed randomness [uses english term] of choice or something, when we talk about... For example in relation to the Internet, I understand it that way, in relation to mathematics I have no idea what it is. But something like this was once depicted on a book, on a math book and I feel like it was an algorithm, but I'm not sure [laughs]. So this is one, so I would describe it as an X-Y axis. Yeah, exactly. And then the waves that go along the X-axis on a regular basis or more or less regular basis. Yes, exactly. Okay But there is an inverse algorithm, isn't there? I can't remember. I don't know either. Okay [laughs] Can you remember by chance when you first heard about algorithms or in what context? Um... Not exactly, but maybe a few years ago. In terms of ads that pop up, like on Facebook or Instagram. Okay, very good. That's it.