Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 58-year-old female IT administrator in Switzerland.

And I would ask you to now draw how you think an algorithm works. How you could explain that. How algorithm works? Yes. How you imagine it to work. It is algorithm as I had it. Algo-rithm. It is like a recipe. Ok. Cool. Ah like a recipe. I see. Recipe...Do, if, then, else, like a step by step explanation. Yes, I see. Great! And in what context have you first heard about algorithms do you think? Uff. At school, I think. At school. In what class? I was...contrary to her, I liked math a lot so I perhaps, at the age of ten? In math class? In math, yes. I am from Norway, so we do start quite early with that. So I think, I am not sure. Perhaps twelve but at school in any case. Great, thank you very much.