Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 52-year-old male commercial pilot in Switzerland.

An algorithm is usually a function, isn't it? Of something. Do you know what I mean? It's a formula usually, isn't it? A variable. So X times Y times... Something like that. It's a formula. An algorithm. Or it's a process like a... [longer pause] What am I trying to say? It's like a flow diagram, a process diagram. So you start at one point and you go along and you might have multiple options that take you to the same point or different points. Excellent. And do you remember where you first heard the word algorithm? In what context, maybe? Algorithm. Was it at university? It could've been at university, many years ago. Well, while you were studying? I've an engineering degree, yeah. I see. That makes sense. Great, so that is everything. I just have a short survey of two pages. Okay. If you have time to fill that out would be great. Yeah, no worries. Thank you.