Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 35-year-old female maths teacher at a high school in Switzerland.

Ah, an algorithm... Depending on, for example, if I want to solve a, I don't know, a system of equations, then there is also an algorithm and uh... how does it work? The algorithm calculates for example all the unknown ones and maybe makes a matrix and then in this matrix there will be the factors in it and a system of equations. The other side is that, a solution, a number and then so the different unknowns are eliminated and then somehow the solution. And how would you record that or write it down? Write it down? I would just make a matrix, so... I don't know, I just... If I stick to systems of equations and say, for example, that a very simple... I'll write down two more like that... Two such equations Yes, two such equations and then I would just make such a matrix and then here the two, three and one, the factors and then here... The result… Right, and then I'd write it down like that and then I'd just... Yeah, solve for one variable and then the other variable and then Okay, and do you know in what context you first heard about algorithms? Maybe even in the systems of equations. In math? I think so, in mathematics. Very well, thank you. You’re welcome.