Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 25-year-old female business and economics exchange student in Switzerland.

So as a second little task, I would like you to draw how an algorithm works, how you imagine it. Okay. Oh, that's so hard. I see like- Take your time. Yeah, I see like DNA signs in my head, I don't know why. It's like numbers or something. Something like this, zero, one, zero ... and it goes on like this. Can you explain what you got there? I don't know. For me it's like complicated computer language. Okay. Is algorithm for me. So you wrote down computer language? Yeah, I think so. But I don't think there are twos, I think it's the only one and zero. Oh okay. So that just slipped in? Yeah. Okay, and do you remember when the first time was that you heard about algorithms, in what context maybe? I'm not sure. Hard to tell, I don't recall. Okay, yeah, it's okay. Yeah. Thank you.