Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 45-year-old male software engineer in the US.

And now would you flip over that sheet and then please draw how an algorithm works. And you're welcome to just talk through it as you draw. How an algorithm works. An algorithm is a step by step set of instructions. So often, I'll just put these numbers, one, two, three. And then sometimes in an algorithm you make a decision and you go one way or another way. So you could go like that. If I keep numbering I'll do this. Sometimes in an algorithm you make a decision. Again, it could end up back in the same place. Other times it could say you could come back to some earlier step. And eventually there're different ways where you can be done and you can stop. Let's say stop. Algorithm usually does something. So it depends on what it's trying to do, along the way something will happen. How did you learn about algorithms? I studied algorithms a lot in university, in grad school. Okay. All right, thank you.