Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 66-year-old female software trainer in the US.

Okay great, and now could you, on the other side, here would you draw how an algorithm works? It doesn't have to be artistic at all and your thinking of how an algorithm works. So I don't know if I could draw an algorithm. Let me think. I'll keep recording, so feel free to just talk through your picture too. So I guess I think about numbers. I'm just putting numbers there, different numbers, and then they all get added together somehow. Then there's random stuff that comes out, just random, all over random stuff. I can't draw. Okay that's great. Okay thank you, super. How did you first hear the word algorithm? Do you have recollection of how you ever learned about it? No. I feel like it's something I probably learned in math in high school and it's just been part of my vocabulary for long enough that I just don't remember how I learned it. Although I can ... it just seems like a word I've always had because I remember when I started doing computer training, algorithm was a word that came up and I already knew what an algorithm was. Okay super. All right thank you so much.