Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 35-year-old female life coach in Switzerland.

So I would ask you on the other side to make me a drawing of how the algorithms work. The algorithm. Oh, God. I'm a literature girl, so I have no idea how the ... Like you mean the code or you mean the ... Whatever comes to your mind. Don't worry. Like don't be ashamed. Just ... The algorithm of the internet. I don't know, like zero ones and I don't know. I guess, I don't know. I guess that's my knowledge of the code behind it. And how do you think it works? Can you maybe explain it? You mean electric wise or like..? Internet wise or whatever. Like time wise? Like all the technical things? How do you know about the algorithm? Maybe that's, how have you heard clearly about algorithms. So where have you heard from it? I know my husband is a software engineer, but I don't know. It's just the things, you know? It's hard for me to try to trace back from where we was. I'm not the technical girl, so. And regarding the internet, how do you think like zero ones that you put it down there, or how does it work? Why did you ... It's like the language that the computers work, like the basic how we can ... Then the programmers program stuff on it. Today, most of the code I think is an open code. So there's people building on each other's work. Yeah. Okay. Okay, great. Thanks. That was actually it already.