Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 34-year-old female unemployed nurse in Switzerland.

Okay, explain me your drawing. You made- Finding the right way to do something depending on many options? Mm-hmm [affirmative]. Or, yeah. So it's like many options you have to choose the right thing for the options you have in an algorithm. What are these squares for? Like yes, no, yes, no, yes, no where you can just go to until this specific case you are looking for and try to find the right path. It can be mathematics or it can be a way to find new treatment for patients depending on what he has. That's why I was thinking of yes, no, yes, no. So you drew only one- You have to start from somewhere. And do you know what this is? No. I have no idea. Because maybe I don't know what algorithms are to very... But you heard of the term clearly? Yeah. Because you immediately drew it. Where did you hear from it? My husband does math. He does math? I hear a lot about algorithms but that's it. And I work in hospitals and I know when some when not to do trials for treatments. We use algorithms that choose if this person will have to [crosstalk 00:03:55] that's why I'm drawing that too, because if it's a woman or man, know what is his age or her age. And yeah, what is his background medically speaking and what is that algorithm. That's super interesting. Did you use it also in this? No, I never, but I've seen people- Use it? Yeah, yeah, the doctors were just like, "Okay. We'll give you a treatment on us but we won't choose the machine we choose with the for us with a medical reason." I know these are trained to make two kind of, how do you say that in English? Trained to find two equal kind of people? Like equivalent people to see the treatment and work a lot. They have to have the same amount of men and women, with the same age, except when they treat cancer with different treatments. So they have to date two kind of traditions that are kind of items- So do you mean like a pattern? What a person has? What kind of symptoms they have? Yeah. And if they all match then you can compare the treatments? No, if you want to compare the treatment you have to have the same kind of population from both sides. Oh, okay. Some people you give the treatment to and some people you do not. Because if you compare every woman and every man and you give the treatment just to woman you can't really compare the treatment if it works or not, because they are not equal. Oh, I see. So- The machine will tell you, "We already have 20 women and just five men. So maybe we should find- the algorithm will do that for you." Okay. So, yeah. So they find you the solution, actually? Yeah, they find you kind of make it equal, the two population. Okay. So algorithm will choose it for you depending on what you want. That's why I drew many cases, depending on what she wants you have to choose the algorithm or mathematic speaking, speaking of math, depending on what you want to calculate you have to find a good algorithm because you have certain things you can do with a certain algorithm, or something. For example? I have no idea. Okay. I know sometimes like exceptions, et cetera, in math. So you can choose some thing because there are these exceptions so you have to find the right one specific to your situation. Okay, great. No, awesome. Both really nice drawings. Cool. So we're done.