Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 24-year-old male PhD student in civil engineering in Switzerland.

Okay. On the other side you have a not a drawing task, sorry. I would like that you draw me how algorithms work. How algorithms work? Okay. So [longer pause], you have some inputs, we have some operations and then some versions of tests. Okay. [longer pause] I'm done. Can you explain what you drew here? Yes. So generally, I would think that an algorithm, you've got some kind of thing you want to calculate or test or something and you have a certain set of inputs that you're going to use and it could be data or whatever or some kind of input from a person and then you put your inputs in, you do some kind of operations on these which can be calculations or probabilistic things, and then you test what you've operated on to see is it, is it worked correctly, has it calculated it to the accuracy you want it to or something or to some metric that's going to tell you if it was good enough and then it gives you results and then results can affect what operations you're doing and can also affect your inputs in terms of, if the, yeah, you might decide to put different inputs into your algorithm depending on what results it was giving, so. Okay. What is that g about? I don't know. I don't know where I was going to draw that. I think that's nothing. Okay. I think that was practice drawing. Okay, yeah, pretty clear. Okay, nice. Yeah? Thank you so much, that's pretty much it. But one question, how did you learn how algorithms work? Where did you learn? So I used them quite a lot at university, I guess. So for, I mean I presume the first time I've done them, I essentially, you learn yourself when there's something you want to do on a computer program, so I mean MATLAB probably for me but then also I have followed courses in it as well, so, in design of software and things. Cool, nice. Okay. Cool. So that.