Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 26-year-old male Master student in mechanical engineering in Switzerland.

How the algorithm works, how you would draw. You can also use an example. Take your time, there's no hurry. Algorithm is basically a buzz word. Whatever comes to your mind now. You can also write words. So what I would come up with now is a Google query. You send in your Google request. What happens? Okay, how would you draw it? Here comes another server [laughs] [laughs] A super cool 3D server. I could have saved myself so much work! Yeah, and then the information goes back, and then you've got, like, a list... Answers? Answers. To websites that result in... So how does the process work? You type something into Google. Here you have your example climate change. Exactly and the it does like climate question mark and then change question mark and then the combination of both gives the results. Here is where the algorithm from experience data and from who paid how much, so to speak, makes a list for you. Ok. And then you get exactly that. Ok, cool thanks a lot!