Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 26-year-old female consultant in digital sales and marketing in Switzerland.

Fascinating! Can you explain your drawing? Mhm. For me, the algorithm in general artificial intelligence is mainly used to make life easier for the consumer. So as a potential, as an internet user I enter a search word because I have a certain field of interest. In that case, I might want to take a vacation in Toronto, that's maybe just an idea. The algorithm learns and learns that I'm interested and this algorithm is actually taken up by marketing, by digital marketing, tools are used like search engine advertisement. The marketers themselves don't know the algorithm how it works exactly but have their products, want to target the appropriate audience. Maybe they want to target someone for their canoe trip, who is male, sports-loving etc. But also the person who is on vacation in Toronto and who fits in with location wise. I look at one ad on Instagram, I see another one on Facebook. It is implemented more and more in my subconscious. The vacation in Toronto, I click on an ad and then at the end of the day I google and enter bike and then find more specific targeting for something I might be interested in. From that point of view it's a tool that is used to make money for companies but at the same time based on my fields of interest. And can you also explain to me what you have drawn here on the left side with the little man? Mmm, the little man with "me" written on it. And there are two arrows that go like this and then close the circle and it says "what I want is what the algorithm presents". All the social platforms gather information and build on that... The algorithm understands who I am, what I like. I have now taken Google as an example, the Google algorithm per se. Nobody knows exactly what criteria Google uses to define this algorithm. There are best practices for marketers, where you can weight special factors to rank higher. But exactly. Okay. And how did you learn how the algorithm works? How I learned that the algorithm works. Through my friend. He writes his own programs. Partly through my work as a consultant in the areas of sales, marketing and digital, these are of course also areas I deal with. And now the latest input comes from the program I am currently completing "disruptive strategy", where this was also mentioned as a topic. Does that mean that this is also the last time you heard that? My second question now would have been whether the term algorithm has come to your ears lately. Yes, it comes up again and again. Yeah. In what areas, for example? I'd say that in public it's often viewed critically. Because you can't really see through it. On the other hand, business wise of course makes everything much smarter, much more data, data-driven and scalable and easier to target the right person. From this point of view, the algorithm is the logical conclusion of consumer behavior, because people have higher and higher expectations of technology and the Internet. From that point of view, these are two areas that influence and complement each other. Great. Thank you very much, that's it.