Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 44-year-old female homemaker whose husband works at Google in Switzerland.

Anything that come to your mind that you associate with it. Okay. I think it's pretty much ... if you want to get something from source A and to our ... here, you just send a request and you get it. So ... I mean you wanted to know what goes on in this particular library? Is that why you send the request to their server. Okay, then that should be something that ... the server connecting me and this particular source of information. Mm-hmm [affirmative]. From Source A. Oh what- oh maybe... No it's fine, don't worry, don't worry. Is that the wrong answer. Don't worry, it's just a sketch don't worry. Okay so I'm sending clearly here, and they send there, and it comes back to server, and it comes back to me. And that's for you the algorithm? Yeah. That's how the algorithms works? Oh, that's my concept of it. Mm-hmm [affirmative]. Okay. And how did you get to know how the algorithms work? Like where did you learn it? From whom did you learn it? I don't remember. It seems like I've been doing this forever. Well maybe some ... maybe from some books or maybe somebody told me. I just remember. Mm-hmm [affirmative]. Somehow, this concept is in my head and maybe it's wrong. I don't know. And have you lately heard of the term algorithm somewhere? Oh, no. I guess I learned this term many years ago in school. It's like the sequence of things that you are supposed to do to get something done. Mm-hmm [affirmative]. And lately there's nothing in particular you've heard of? No. Things haven't changed. It's pretty much- Yeah, okay. Thank you so much. That's actually it already. Okay.