Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 24-year-old female nurse with a degree in nursing studies in Switzerland.

Now on the other hand I would like to ask you to draw how the algorithm works. Oh, [curse word] [laughs]. Just like the first drawing, just whatever comes to your mind. [laughs] What, the algorithm of the Internet? Yeah, for example. Yeah, like that. It has a search box and then you get results that are listed like this. That's how I understand it. And how did you know about the algorithm? I think that's how it is. I don't know what else it is. Have you ever heard of that term? Hm, yes, actually, I have. Maybe I've heard it somewhere before, but I can't say where I heard it or why now. But you haven't heard anything about it lately? Okay. That is, can you explain to me exactly what you drew? Well, the first is the search box where you type something in and then the results. And the results are probably based on an algorithm, maybe the most visited pages or something. Or you can type in news on a specific topic and then maybe the most recent one comes up. Just and then these results are structured and the first thing is what is read most often or what is most current.