Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 25-year-old male consultant in the UK.

So now, on the other side, I would ask you to draw me how the algorithms work. How the algorithms work, which algorithms? The Internet algorithms, or you can also do it in a different context actually. So I guess ... What do you mean the Internet algorithms? So when you type something in- For example- ... how does it return a search? For example, you can do anything, you can draw anything, you can use any words or anything to describe me how algorithms work in general, maybe? Okay, so in my head, I've done a bit of programming myself, but nothing to do with writing algorithms to the Internet or very complex ... just simple things. And I guess everything is like an iteration of simple F loops. So, you're just asking ... is essentially you're giving it conditions and it will come back with either answers or an error. So, if you kind of request a condition, which is like an if statement, "If this happens, then it will return this." and there are several options which it will return. And if not, it will return assumption error, which could be, in this case the Internet connectivity is not working properly, that kind of thing. Okay, and how would you draw that? Well, I guess I'd just draw it as, well, write it as a statement? Yeah, you can write it as well. So like if condition, then there'll be a few different conditions to me, and then however what the ... essentially if error, then it will return a default thing. Okay, and that's it? That's how you will describe it? That's how I'll describe it. Okay. Is that not enough? No, no, that's fine. And so how did you learn how all the algorithms work? Is it through your programming or? Yeah, I guess so, but again, it doesn't stretch to the level of, "That I understand how the Internet works." Okay, and- And obviously that's an extremely simple vised ... like you do put in conditions and it returns things, but it's simplistic, naturally. Yeah, but there was no problem with it. No, no, no. And so have you heard lately about algorithms in general? What do you mean? Just like, have you heard the term lately, again? Algorithms? Yeah- Like- ... I guess it's quite prolific thing right now. Okay. But I don't know what context you mean algorithms like it's quite a broad scope of things. To me, it's just like algorithm is just a set of code that return something, so it doesn't necessarily relate directly to the Internet, but then it's everything we use nowadays. Okay, that's great. That's all that I need. Cool. Thank you so much. No problem. Oh, would you- So, we're done here.