Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 28-year-old female PhD student in communications in Switzerland.

Good. Okay, so now you can draw now under this or on the other side of the page, please draw how an algorithm works. How an algorithm works? Yes, please. It's a logical process. Okay, first you have an input. I'm not sure what... So you have an input and you will get an output based on this input and once you do this in the first step, you can get a recommended output based on your first input. This is the alternative ones possible. Like there is a possible relevance to these and you have output number two, three, four, whatever, which are also in relation to your first output and your input. Okay, so what is the algorithm doing here? Is it makes a connection with relevant alternative outputs. Okay, so this is the input. Could you give me an example for an input? Okay. For instance, you are searching for a new smartphone, let's say. Yeah. Okay. You are going to buy a smartphone and then you write something on the web and it gives you a bunch of results. And then let's say you searched for something related. Like then you said smartphone types. and it gives you another one. And then you start ... Actually I will move on to the commercial things but then you can start seeing content related to your input before. Okay, which is the algorithm is doing this. Yes, the algorithm is doing this connection. Okay. Maybe YouTube could be an easier thing to do. Let's say you want to watch a documentary on ancient Egypt and then you watch something and it brings up you the watch next options or recommendations and you see a bunch of other videos related to your first search of ancient Egypt and it becomes like ... It doesn't have to be directly relevant to this, but it looks for this words that you have already searched, then it gives you something about Egypt, some other documentaries. If you are interested in ancient Egypt, you're probably interested in History Channel, whatever, those kinds of things. And the algorithm does this for you. Okay, and this is how you would draw it? Yes. Okay, great. So thank you for that. And we stopped the ...