Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 26-year-old female architecture student in Switzerland.

Then I would ask you again to explain what you drew Um, that it starts from a starting point. An algorithm is set, searched, made, that starts and tries... to implement the algorithm. I mean, you use it to look for something or for example to... That means at last you have something compact from the data, from the things you were looking for, from which everything is first spread out and then packed together again by what you actually want from it. So this is the starting point, this one? Yeah Then come, the arrow points, what are these different boxes? It's like one of those... I don't know, when you run an algorithm, sort of, when you look for something and then run an algorithm, it goes through all sorts of stuff. Okay These are different pages, different websites, no matter what and through that it is combed through and in the end you actually have what you triggered at the beginning, you should have the right, solution, the right, compact summarized. [Crosstalk] So in the end that's like...? That's in the end, so to speak. Is all this summarized here? This? Or is this one of these? No, this is so to speak of the one summarized in one, or there are somehow thousands of different things and you search for what you really want to know from them. Okay, I see. These are actually different options that it could represent? Yes for example, different options, different for example also one, that is like a summary of maybe different things Yes Maybe it takes from for example these, from three things it takes together what you wanted a little I see. So this is not, this is not the same as this and this is a summary of different elements Exactly, actually it should have a different shape You can still change it if you want, but it's understandable. That's right. Very good. Thank you.