Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 22-year-old male engineering student in Switzerland.

Draw me how an algorithm works. Hmm. [Long pause] You are now welcome to speak and explain what you think. Above all, I have to think about the definition of it again. So I would explain it best in such a way that, for example, with numbers, the one-one (11) would always be one hand and the zero-zero (00) would be the head, zero-one (01) would be the other hand, hmm zero-zero-zero (000) would be the body and one-one-one (111) would be both legs and let's summarize it now. All the numbers enumerated, you always come to a result what you actually wanted. Speak, the beautiful picture. What is the algorithm now? An algorithm always receives information and then transforms it into a desired unit that can be used by humans, so to speak. In other words, because the computer works with one and zero, it converts the number into what the human being means by it. Okay For example, if the algorithm is programmed so that one-one (11) is always the right arm, then whenever it sees a one-one (11) it converts it into a right arm Okay, good, and that's kind of the process of the algorithm, that's how it works. How did you learn about algorithms? Ehm, probably for the first time at school, although it sounded more like dreams of the future at the time, something goes in and something comes out again and then I only really got it in my studies, during computer science, because that's when they really started programming algorithms. Then you can actually get into the level effectively. Why did you have computer science in your studies? You didn't study computer science, but... I studied spatial engineering and that was, the idea behind computer science is mainly to accelerate processes, because you can solve processes of reality with the computer in a good time and you can mathematize the whole world. So you had it as an element of your studies, because it is a valuable knowledge, so to speak, which you can apply later? Yes, exactly. Yes, well and so up-to-date, do you hear a lot about algorithms? Do you learn a lot about algorithms in your everyday life? Ehm, in everyday life I mainly hear about Google search algorithms, which are actually there to make something existing faster and faster. Or also for advertising profiles which algorithms actually use to create own profiles for people. Yes? Yes. Cool. Thanks.