Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 43-year-old male IT worker in Switzerland.

You can explain what you are drawing aha, I do not draw but is this a code. So that would be for example with the Basic, if you did the numbering 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and the algorithm starts from the top. So it starts from the top down unless you don't give an 'if' loop or a 'go to' then it jumps back again. An algorithm is nothing else but corresponding: it starts from the top and makes special commands, that's how it works. Okay, and you're drawing this right now? Yes What does this say on 10? The code 'Hallo Welt' for example, so 'print: Hallo Welt' then I can write 'go to 10' at 20, then it would jump back again and then you would have an endless loop. Okay And that would always work or you can also say 'Input' so that you type something or anything else So everyone at every number would now also be so to say also a, would stand something or? Yeah, so you can also jump. okay But normally, when you program your program, it always starts from the top okay the first command line, then work them out one by one. Until it is below and means 'End' for example. Okay, and this is the algorithm? As far as I can see, yes. Okay So a chain of command about what he has to do okay, and how did you learn about algorithms? in school at some point Is that where your knowledge of algorithms comes from? Yeah, I'd say so, yeah. Okay At school you had that at some point, it actually starts with mathematics and then with algebra Yes, and then in the course of your life you have repeatedly occupied yourself with it or since school you have so to speak preserved the knowledge? Aha, yes, always a bit as a hobby. Okay Looked at that and accordingly... So about your own, self-generated knowledge? Yes, I actually taught myself certain things, yes. Okay well and now in your everyday life, do you have much contact with algorithms or do you do something with algorithms or? In what way do you hear about algorithms in your everyday life? Yeah, um... I actually use it all the time Yeah? So in general, if you have a flow and you have a start, an algorithm, and another end, so you always use that unconsciously, I would say and in everyday life, where do you encounter algorithms in your everyday life? Yes in programming, for example Okay Or if you do anything else... Okay, great, thanks.