Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 28-year-old male PhD student in communication in Switzerland.

You can sort of explain what you're drawing. Um... So we have here again a kind of input that is generated in different ways, for example by people who feed data into the internet. Be it their age, gender or what they run or buy and from that some huge amount of data is generated and then there is an algorithm which is very ominous and technically in the middle Is that, the circled A? Exactly, the A. Which in turn was also programmed by people from this society, who created the data. So I draw a person with glasses to symbolize that this is a programmer who has just programmed the algorithm. And this algorithm takes data that exists in some way. Does something with it. Depending on it, and then there's an output of some kind. For example: products, search results. How does input differ from output? First of all just the process, because the output is then, as you have just implied, played back to the same crowd. The crowd that generated the input before and then of course in the next step, if you imagine it as a cycle. It influences the new input, so to speak, and also the programmer himself. The programmer himself, who is also not outside of society. Okay So that is quasi such an, within the continuous data world such an element in it in the cycle Where does your knowledge of algorithms come from? Reading professional articles Reading from... What kind of articles? Scientific articles? Yes, mostly and popular, you know newspaper articles. Newspaper articles? Okay. So, for self-interest or professional reasons? Both. Okay And a tiny bit of technical understanding but rather limited. This comes from where? Education, school, university Okay, there you had that once? Was that ever a topic of discussion there, Algorithms? Yeah, I mean, first of all, an algorithm is not technical, it's just a recipe. And then a program is basically a digital algorithm. What I think is mainly understood as an algorithm and then somehow: Take the number and take the number in Excel for example and then do the following operation, that is already an algorithm. So it's very simple And in your everyday life? Where do you come across algorithms? Yeah, probably all the time, when you're on the Internet probably all the time. Google, Facebook, Amazon, all sorts of stuff, advertising and so on. But probably also other things, like buying a ticket for a train or a flight or something. There you're probably already influenced by the search results or the results in Facebook or Twitter or whatever, the feed that is curated by automatic programs - algorithms. Does this knowledge, this perception somehow influence your behavior? Yeah, sure, I think so. Okay So I couldn't separate it now so a bit so counterfactual reality. But for sure, for sure, I would assume that the world would be a completely different place without advertising, for example, without me being able to imagine it now and probably without personalized advertising again. Okay, good. Thanks a lot.