Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 20-year-old male psychology student in Switzerland.

Then I would ask you to make a second drawing underneath. Now draw how an algorithm works. I will leave the recording running this time and ask you to explain what you are drawing while you are drawing. [laughs] Whoa. Ehm. Difficult. I have an idea how something like this works. Let alone visualize it. Uh. Well, I would have thought to me that an algorithm is some code that you type in and [pause] or some computer language, computer language... And that it basically executes commands and searches for things or executes them according to some rules or something. And that becomes more and more complex and more and more specific. So what do I know if you are looking for a picture of something, for example, and then it searches everywhere on the Internet for similar pictures. If you are looking for similar shapes, then you are looking for pictures with similar shapes or pictures with similar colors, I can imagine that. How that is written... Boah no idea. Something like a code and this is something I learned in school, but that was ages ago. No clue. Whew. Uh... I'm just gonna draw something and then... What are you writing right now? I'm writing down right now, I don't know, 'search foto_color'. I don't know, it's in some special code or something and then there are different steps in between, so it's gonna be very complex for me. So I wrote 'search foto_figure' for structure or figure or something like that. Somehow and for so long. Wait. I don't know what to say. Or probably there is something like 'while' or something like that, a 'while'-loop, so as long as you find any criteria, the search will go on and then the best results or what fits best will be suggested first. So there's also something with 'while', as long as you still find something or something like that. and ehm. So this is how I imagine it. It's a long written text and at the end it's programmed and when you press this button you can search on Google for example. If you type something in and then you search for it, then it takes the words apart and searches for it. Okay, where does your knowledge of algorithms come from? Um, whether it's an algorithm or not I don't know, that's what I think. I had a year of computer science in school, sophomore year. But that was it. So we started with 'If' and 'While' and stuff like that and writing some stuff in Java, that's all I can think of. Otherwise algorithm I have no idea what it is. In your everyday life, do you sometimes encounter algorithms? Are you familiar with that? Well, I... I don't... I probably meet them quite, quite a lot on the internet but not consciously, because that's probably how the internet works. It works with thousands of algorithms. But I guess I have no conscious contact with them, so not visually recognizable for me. I don't know, if I type something in and click on search and then he searches my website, I think there are thousands of algorithms or something like that behind it but they are not visible for me. Because you, through this consciousness you would say you behave differently on the internet? By being aware that there are some algorithms Ehm. No, not great. Because I think since I know and use at least the internet, it was probably always like that in there. Maybe I didn't think about it that much back then, maybe I was too young to know about it and now... So I behave differently in so far that I think I know how the Internet or for example a search engine works and how it searches. So for example when I search for certain things or for a certain question, I often search, so often I don't type in the whole question but search for keywords more, because I have the feeling, then he throws out more things to these keywords than to this specific question, but if I type in something with the question 'How does this and that' then he also searches for words to me how to get out, so always questions that started with how and sometimes these are completely different questions, they don't refer to what I'm looking for and because I just think that these keywords are still searching for keywords, I just enter keywords and as specific as possible so that he throws out similar terms or similar results. Also with the fact in mind that it is an algorithm that works with Yes, exactly So you're trying to feed him the right kind of food So exactly that, I try to get him to a certain goal and try to give him the appetizers that I think he needs, I don't know how it works but in my opinion I try to give him the appetizers so that he throws the best out of me Okay, good, great. Thanks a lot.