Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 26-year-old female civil engineering student in Switzerland.

And the second drawing task is: Can you draw me how an algorithm works? An algorithm would be made of different formulas... Yes, I'm writing, I'm just going to draw some different formulas. Yes, very complex. Algorithms like this need a big computer center and then also the computer. As in the person who operates it. Yes, so to speak, so that the algorithm then selects something that helps the person. Yes, exactly. It's the human who still programs everything. But the program is making decisions behind the scenes, as it has been programmed. And how did you learn about algorithms? I just heard it, even in my studies the term. That you have to program it first and it's only as good as you program it yourself. And that it also has a lot of bugs in it sometimes. Okay, thank you very much.