Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 25-year-old male PhD student in material sciences in Switzerland.

On another page, I'm going to ask you to draw how an algorithm works. Okay, I will be good at this. [laughs] I'm going to leave this on so you can narrate while you do it, but you don't have to. [longer silence] I guess it's more of a schematic. Can you explain- Yeah, I guess for the algorithm, I guess it takes in some information, like maybe some data, or whatever you manage to harvest. An algorithm is the process that get your desired outcome. Okay, and how have you learned or heard from algorithms? How have I learned personally from them? Yes. About them. How have I learned about what they are? Yes. I guess from colleagues and stuff who work on them at universities, stuff like that. What exactly are you doing or studying? I'm studying about material sciences. Okay, yeah, so, I can see where you would get in touch with that. Yeah. I mean, I'm doing all that applied stuff, but I guess I work with people who.... Yeah, do applied ... Okay. Thank you very much. You're welcome.