Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 28-year-old male student of mechanical engineering finishing up his Master in Switzerland.

Okay, thanks. Then I would ask you to draw there on the other side how an algorithm works. Okay, then I'd say an algorithm is simply a loop here. I'm doing a simulation for several years. Let's say from 2019 to 2050 for example... I'm doing a simulation of how manufacturing technology is evolving. For example until 2050. If I were to make a loop for year x in and a vector from 2019 to 2050. That then every year on the vector is some sort of sequence, whatever else. Production profile of the year, so the reference profile of 2019. Yes exactly, which is combined with, I don't know, more b, v. Something and that it then has output stored in a file. Say it is a CSV file and that it is looped for each year. Then you can do something like that. And then at the very end you get an output. All in one file. And how did you learn about algorithms? I think from from studying, if you're so specific... That's right, I'll do it at university. [writes these programs for their master thesis] What do you study? Mechanical engineering.