Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 24-year-old female Master student of English and Median and Communication in Switzerland.

You can just draw an example if you think of something. All right, then. What's famous for it is on Instagram. That's what people are regularly upset about, the algorithm. What does that symbol look like again? It may have changed again by now. Something like this, right? A camera. Yeah, something like that. You can write on it. We know what you mean. Okay. So the algorithm basically determines what content you see based on what you post. But also based on what you've already seen. So it's kind of like a back and forth. Quasi between the program and what the user has already looked at and has already done, yes. Okay. And do you remember the first time you heard about algorithms or how you know that? A little bit in my studies and then Instagram did an info session on it. You can do like a Q&A in the stories. Then she explained a few things about it. But I don't know too much more about it. But yet. It works, it always kind of depends. Well, she explained it from the perspective of how the algorithm determines what of her content is seen by others and then she explained that it depends on when you post and... Various factors that influence whether you see this or not. Exactly. That's actually what I know about algorithms.