Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 34-year-old female communications professor with a background in physics in the US.

Can you please draw how algorithm works? How an algorithm works. I'll keep this on so that you can narrate your drawing. Okay. Well it starts with some output data. It then starts with a goal. Let's see. You can write inside. Yeah. It starts with a goal and then it executes it in different steps. There is some feedback depending on the data basically. And then for sure we want an output, which question mark whether it serves the goal appropriately. And if not, there's more and more feedback. And then there's a final output, I would say. You can imagine having here a different, if L structures, you can imagine loops. Okay. You said for this it was the output. This is the input data. Okay. And this is the output data, which is different. Okay. Maybe. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Oh, and where have you heard the term algorithm? Oh, high school. Okay. Class. So you've known about it for a while. Okay.