Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 39-year-old male communications professor and sociologist in the US.

Can you draw how an algorithm works? How an algorithm works? Or lead with songs that can narrate your drawing, in case that helps. Okay. So I'm going to do another very low quality, low-fi drawing, which I think is going to be... Basically it's a piece of paper with some stuff on it, some instructions. So you can think of it as instructions, or maybe it's a recipe. I also wrote recipe on it, and I'm going to put a little stick figure over here holding the recipe in their little stick figure hands, which are really, really quite something from an artistic point of view. I'm going to give them some funny hair, because everybody needs funny hair. And so it's a person holding some instructions, or a recipe, and then there's maybe a big kind of bucket thing over here, which we'll call that a programming language. It's kind of a conceptual bucket. So I'll put a little bucket handle on top, because you need to... And I'm drawing a little arrow. So the recipe goes into the programming language. Then there's a little tap that comes out the other end, in keeping with our series of tubes metaphor. And that is dripping into a computer. It's a bit of an Apple 2e computer from the mid '80s, a really old workstation style situation there. But it's a person providing instructions or a recipe, through a programming language into a computer, which then does some stuff consistent with the instructions or the recipe, because that's all computers can do. They can only do what you tell them to do. And that's it.