Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 47-year-old male communications professor and computer scientist in the US.

Can you draw how an algorithm works? Draw how an algorithm works? I'll leave this on so you can narrate it. Okay. [longer pause] There's lots of different algorithms. So what would I say? So I'll describe an algorithmic process, I think. Okay. So you have some form of input. This is going to be your machine. That's a robot. [does robotic voice, laughs] So you have some form of data and input. So this is where kind of data processing is going to go into the machine. This machine has essentially the algorithm kind of residing it on how to process it and that's going to produce some form of output. When it's actually processing the data, it's going to make a number of decisions. So the kind of key thing is it has some conditions on which it's operating. Very simple case would be kind of an if-then to have it do something. A more complex case would be certain computations it does on the data. So I'm doing more talking than drawing. You want me to draw how it works, right? No, it's fine. So regardless, you would have some basic data that's being processed, some function that's going to actually do something, and the algorithm is going to make kind of decisions, different decisions on the basis of a set of rules that it has that kind of reside in here. The basis of these it could actually do that whole process again multiple times. Often times part of the algorithm will have kind of a conclusion point. So it has to decide when to stop. At that point, it knows what output it's going to generate and so that's going to kind of come into your output. Okay, great.