Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 27-year-old female PhD in sociology in the US.

Okay and just second drawing, which is the last one is could you draw how an algorithm works and you can narrate, I'll leave this on. Okay, so I think of an algorithm as a process oriented endeavor, kind of like social networks. I would start with one and then, you're faced with a series of decisions. Then, when you reach those decisions, those can either like have any number of outcomes too. You adjust either your decisions or decisions are adjusted to continue operating in this network of things. Some of them are automated and others depend on the user interface, making decisions about what they want. Okay and where have you heard of algorithms? I learned algorithms to solve Rubik's Cubes. Oh, okay. Was this a while ago? Yeah. Like when you were a child or? Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah.