Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 44-year-old female professor of sociology in the US.

Okay, great. And then I have one other drawing request. And then I'll stop asking you for drawings. Can you please draw how an algorithm works and I will keep this on so you can narrate your drawing. Oh my goodness. Okay. All right. Okay. I will talk my way through it. So basically you start with an input process and you respond to some sort of stimuli. And it records your response to those stimuli. And then you end up on different pathways depending on your responses to those stimuli. So I'm thinking the simplistic version that is Facebook, which relies on likes, comments, whatever. But of course this goes across platforms. Any platform actually, even Google, I mean you type in your search queries and then it retracts what you click on. So anyways, so basically you end up down a different pathway depending on this initial input. And then you keep getting funneled through the process based on your reaction to the further stimuli that have been provided to you. Okay, great. And do you remember where you first heard about algorithms? [longer pause] Or where you tend to hear about them nowadays? I would say it was probably at an ICA conference a long... Well, I don't know actually. Okay, thank you.