Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 64-year-old male worker in corporate IT in the US.

Which is, can you draw how an algorithm works? An algorithm? Wow. I'll leave this on so you can narrate what you're doing. If that helps, you don't have to. Okay. Well, let's say if I am going - Actually, can you do it on a separate page. Yeah, yeah. So, my smart device. On my smart device I am filling out an expense report. Okay. Okay. Now that's going to corporate. So to get to that I need to have a VPN. So, they're going to create a tunnel to my ISP. So, there will be encryption in there. This could be an algorithm, that would be how they're going to scramble my message so that it cannot be detected by anybody else sniffing on that device. So, it's going to go through my ISP to the ISP for corporate and there on their end, on our server will have encryption decryption for that. In this case, we use Cisco. Is our VPN provider. They do programs on my device and their on there server to decrypt the message that will go into there. And then my expense reports will happily be approved and payed. Great. Where have you heard the term algorithm before? Oh, going back to high school. Algorithms served to calculate or determine values or physical states or masses or whatever, required for that. I am not very good at it but I have some basic understanding of what they are.