Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 51-year-old male professor of political science in the US.

Just one other drawing request which is: Can you draw how an algorithm works? How an algorithm works? Yes. I'm going to leave this on so you can narrate your drawing. Oh god. Draw? This is the worst game of Pictionary ever, I just want to say that. Study. It's not a game. An algorithm? Okay. So. This is what I drew in terms of an algorithm which is basically a series of structured decisions and choices that then branch out into various other possible outcomes. Some of which lead to an end state, some of cycle back into the algorithm. Okay, thank you. Oh, and where have you heard of the term algorithm before? The ether? You know, like I've heard of algorithm from when I was taking computer science classes like in back in high school to you know, anything I read on, you know, actually teaching [inaudible]... Okay, thank you.