Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 37-year-old female mechanical engineer in Switzerland.

Now, would you please draw how an algorithm works? You could use the space below, I will take a picture of these separately. Okay. Ok, now, could you please tell me about your drawing? So, I tried to draw a flow chart here. Starting symbol, then inputs, then a kind of operation. Well, a yes / no question. A new operation, again, a yes / no question once again. And, by finishing - one last operation - and then I finalized it. I tried to use the basic algorithm elements to draw a representative picture. Okay. When did you hear about algorithms first? In high school computer class. Okay, in what context did you learn about them? Well, we first learned about flow charts. Then we learned coding in BASIC. Do you hear about algorithms nowadays? I used to write MATLAB codes, but don’t do coding in my new job since last 2 years.