Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 27-year-old female digital account manager in Turkey.

Can you draw how an algorithm works? I guess I can explain how an algorithm works with an example. One can think of algorithms in various contexts. In a broad sense, it can be thought of as a problem and a solution. And we can say that the algorithm is the steps to reach the solution. I am thinking about advertising. I would like to draw an algorithm like this: let's say I'm going to search for a “red dress” on the Internet. So I write the words “red” and “dress”. Google runs its own algorithm in the background. There are many factors that affects this process. One of them is the bid given by brands to the words “red” and “dress”. For example, let's say Mango gave the highest bid to the “red dress” words when compared to the other brands, for example Koton and H&M. So this is how it works in the background: “the red dress from the highest bidding brand shows at the top of the search”. That's why Mango's red dress comes out with its image as the first result. Later, let's say the second is Koton, and it appears as the second image. Then the other s follow. This is how the algorithm of Google or Google AdWords works. It has an algorithm making the one with the most bid to appear as the top result. I can describe it this way. OK. I was going to ask if you ever heard anything about algorithms and you actually answered it a little bit. Yes I have heard. So in what context and when did you hear about them first? I work in the advertising sector and these are the things I have experienced in practice. Generally, all searches in the Internet sector work through some algorithms. That's why I have this information. Since when, for example. Since four years. Do you hear anything about algorithms today? Today, all the structures on he Internet are created with algorithms. People define these algorithms in a good way and after knowing about them very well, they invest in certain things and they achieve success in that way. This can be Google AdWords, or they embed these algorithms into the websites of their own brands. Let's say… let's take a look at the Mango website again. Mango follows every pixel of its website and they are looking at where on the site people stay the most/spend the most time. So let's say they spend more time on the first page, then they put discount images more on the first page, they place more attractive and interesting images there. These are the current things done with algorithms. Thank you so much. You are welcome.