Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 31-year-old male working in media and publishing in Turkey.

Can you please draw how an algorithm works? Algorithm... Now, if I think of myself as an individual, the algorithm uses my cookies. Based on my interests -I’m making this up- it shows me advertisements, or it offers me content related to what I’m searching for on its website. Briefly, this is it. If I talk about how it works, this is it. Ok, that’s all. Is that all? Yes. Now I’ll ask you – as far as I understood, you have heard about algorithms. When and in what context did you hear about them first? The algorithms are in our life since we started to use the Internet. The Internet runs on algorithms [He uses an idiom here – exact translation would be something like “the algorithm is everything that the Internet has”]. For me, ”The Internet = algorithm”. Artificial intelligence, algorithm… You hear about them now? Of course, we hear about them a lot. Recently, this Neuralink etc. has become very popular. What is that? That is the new project of Elon Musk. These are very interesting and scary things. Actually, even though it is interesting, it scares me a little. The developments of the artificial intelligence and algorithms scare me. Why? Well it sounds scary to me right now. Ok. Thank you so much.