Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 27-year-old female paramedic in Turkey.

Can you draw how an algorithm works? What kind of an algorithm? Have you heard of algorithms before? Yes. For instance? We have our own algorithms that we use for our profession… a lot of algorithms. So what kind of algorithm do you want me to draw? We don’t want to intervene... The question is very general. We want you to convey whatever comes to your mind. Let's do it then. How should I put this... Our algorithms and our rules are very clear. We cannot break these rules. What do I do for a living? I think you should have asked that. I will ask that! [Algorithms] are a set of rules, and they have a certain sequence. We cannot act beyond those algorithms. We have very strict rules for our own profession. [after a while] I think it's enough. Ok. What are these? I will even tell you this: I drew my own algorithm right now [laughs]. So I drew an algorithm about my own profession. Our algorithm has maybe 150 algorithms, I memorized them all. So how should I say now - for example, there is a certain event. The things we will do in that case are clear. So we have two options: if this happens, this will happen, if that happens, that will happen. I drew it right now. Does this box on the top describe that main event? Yes. And these three are the [action] options? Exactly. Two-sided. These are always connected to each other. Well. I’ll even draw like this [draws something]… but the following solution must be in the same place. This is the result then? Exactly. Can you please write that down as well? Sure, I can write that. If this result doesn’t work, another algorithm comes into play. When did you first hear about the algorithms? When I was 14 years old. In what context did you hear about them? For how many years ... I have been doing the same job for 10 years… 14 years. I’m doing my PhD in the same field - well, more precisely, I am currently studying for my master's degree.... I did not get the title “Dr.” yet. What am I doing for a living? I'm 112. I’m a paramedic. We save lives. I started this profession at the age of 14. I'm twenty-seven now. What do you hear about algorithms today? I don't know much about algorithms outside of our own field. I did not hear anything. I think every profession, every fields has their own algorithms. I think, without algorithms, some things do not progress in education/training. Thank you so much. You're welcome.