Now, can you draw how an algorithm works? The algorithm is the process that turns all of this into a meal. What are these? Tomatoes, onions, eggs. This is your menemen (a type of omelet). I thought we can answer in this way? Sure, however you like. Have you heard of about algorithms before? Yes. This process is called an algorithm. A process, a process. Shall I write it? No need to write, no. But if you are going to draw something else, you can draw it. So in what context and when did you hear about algorithms? While in school. When? When I was a student at the university. May I ask in what context? Hmm, there was a course called “model”. [We were working] on theories and stuff there. In that model class, the professor talked about algorithms. But I passed that class by cheating, I don't remember much. Do you hear anything about algorithms today? No. Thank you so much.