Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 37-year-old female doctor in Turkey.

Can you draw how an algorithm works? How does an algorithm work? When you say algorithms, medical algorithms come to my mind. But I don’t know if it’s [another] technical thing. That’s okay, you can draw that. For example, I don’t know, the algorithm of a disease comes to my mind. For example, let’s take abdominal pain. Does the patient with abdominal pain, for instance, have any complaints of this and that? If you say yes, then goes here, if you say no, then here. Yes and if so... Can you write these down? Oh, okay I’ll write. “Is there gas, bowel movement?” Yes or no. If no, then you write “is there vomiting? If yes, something else, if no, another thing. Then, “does the patient have fever?” If yes, another thing, if no, something else. Here you ask about diarrhea. If yes, another thing, if no, something else. So what is this? Algorithm. These are our disease complaint algorithms When did you first hear about the algorithms? It is obvious that I have never heard of your algorithms [laughs]. I have heard about algorithms when I started going to the university. In what context? Related to medicine? Medicine. Do you hear about algorithms today? I don’t. I don’t know. You are a doctor. Yes. Thank you so much. Thank you.