Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 54-year-old male care giver in Switzerland.

So, you know, I think that’s a kind of statistics: How often do you visit which site. So/ Okay. For example, suppose this is Google. I don’t know who the main [...] is/ Can you try to draw that? On the other side? How you think this statistics/ Well, how you think this statistics works. I believe this means whether I was 60 times on Google today, but this thing/ well, exactly how often I was on Google. Okay. That’s what I believe. This is my/ So why did you write “10 times” below “60 times”? That’s an example, and Google knows that. Google knows. They know. Okay. And this is what you would call an algorithm? Yes. The fact that they know how often you/ They know how often you were on the Google Search page or whatever, in order to get information. Okay. That’s my assumption. No idea. I don’t know exactly. So it’s about how often and what you searched. Okay. These two things. How often x – search- Okay. and what? That’s the big question: What. Via the denominator, via this point. Yes, via this point. Good. Thank you. Thank you, a very pretty drawing.