Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 24-year-old female student in Switzerland.

So, yes, um... could you please explain your drawing to me? I mean, why you drew precisely this. Okay. Um... So, I see the Internet as a connecting element between people all over the world, therefore the earth, if that is discernable, and the Internet as... um... factor which can contribute to globalisation. And regarding the algorithm: First, two parties are brought together, or matched, on the one hand the user and their interests, on the other hand products, um, or goods from the economy and this algorithm coordinates similarities between the interests of the user and the products from the economy and, um, thus leads to a// to a personalised feed or personalised advertisement on the Internet for the user. Mm-hm. And these three boxes... ...are just potential interests... Mm-hm. ...of this user. Okay. And// These are the products. And the arrow points into the direction of... That’s just a potential match, a similarity between the products and the interests of the user. Mm-hm. Okay. Good, thank you. Nice drawing.