Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 24-year-old male Master's level forestry student in Serbia.

How would you describe it to me as a drawing? We have time. This way, we draw a hard drive ... Here's the algorithm now. I see it as an algorithm database. It's like the search I think it uses. How it works, is it? This I do not know, I think it's some sort of a database of some big data. Now they probably know those who are dealing with it, but it's stored in some numbers those binary ones or as it sounds already, then through these algorithms to get into and some data and that these algorithms require, again based on some systems, the data has to be fed. And why did you draw this now? Well, this is like this hard drive, it's like that memory this would be like some kind of an algorithm that goes in there and searches with some issue, enters to get some answers. Here we are still here ... in response. Aha , this is a question mark? Yes, these are the outputs of the answer. Outputs of the answer. Okay. That's how I imagine it. And how did you find out about how the algorithm works? I do not know, that’s what came to my mind first, I was never interested in it, I'm not interested in anything about this IT sector. I'm using it, but ... A cousin of mine, if he comes, he knows all about it so well ... But I do not know, perhaps on the basis of some stories or something.