Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 36-year-old female nurse in Bosnia.

Good. Then we came to the end almost. I would now just ask you to draw me now on the other side of how the algorithm works. [Sighs] Oh god. I really do not know [laughs], so I have no idea. What do you associate with the algorithm now? So, I associate it with some tables... Feel free to draw. Like some scheme of some repetitions or, I do not know, some of the frequency of something or it's about that. Can you explain to me now how this algorithm works? Well, in principle, like this, some table of some data, signing into some of these fields is meant, and then there it is statistically now ,I do not know, about now, I'm puzzling here, here it shows that I it has, I do not know how many of these, let’s say two points here from so much sample. And there is one point here again two and so on, approximately like this I ... Probably it has nothing to do with the brain [laughs]. But okay... How did you find out how the algorithm works? Well, I do not have a clue I mean, I do not have a general idea about it, I do not know anything about it. Did you ever hear the word algorithm? Well, I did, but I do not know anything about the definition of that or I do not know. How did it happen that you heard about it? Well, I heard at school, but I do not even remember that, I knew some algorithms, but really I really forgot now [laughs]. And what from kind of school did you graduate? The medical high school. And in the that place you had ... Yes, we had it. Okay, good, thank you.