Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 41-year-old male forester in Bosnia.

You're free to, whatever you think, whatever it is you connect with ... All this information being collected, right? ... What now do you think. If this is the algorithm... well, there comes a million of some data, let's say... how to split it now... let's just try this way... everything I used, like... it's in a way... all that I use and applications... It is sent somewhere to the server, there is some control that controls, what are you doing, whether it's legal or not legal... is it now. You have such millions, all tied to that one main one. And now let's say if I call this a 'a', here we'll put the sum of all 'a' plus the sum of all 'b', so 'c', up to n, plus n. so plus other data and extraordinary ones if they are ... and to say it would be for one person they say, for one person perhaps. And what is 'm', where is the 'm' in this cage? 'm' is something, let me say everything else, what you are doing with some illegal, unauthorized actions that can be found. Let's say, everything is one like if you connect somewhere to a computer with someone ... in a company to someone or somewhere, to leave something that does not need, or so, everyone can find it ... or m can be the result of some control... If he recognizes an illegal action, then he sends this information to that base ... That's what I thought. Is this base, or what is this? This is base A. And what is this? This is now the base, to say, more ... put one country, one city ... a world base ... This is mine, my own type, this A ... And this is next to this great A is ... This is now ... this is a collection of all, that is, print B, C and so on ... this is all now, all together, I pretend that this is somewhere connected, whether it is separated, by country, by zone, by region Some, so on ... All right, very interesting, how did you find out how the algorithm works? Well, how can I tell you, I did not find out, that's my thinking. I have finished technical studies in college, I'm not part of that profession to understand the algorithm in the right sense, I do not even know how it goes ... but I suppose it's like this, if I did something like that, I would do it, let’s say a computer, a TV.. And this up there is? Yes... this is my computer, my phone, my laptop, my tablet ... That you used? Yes. And so on... And all the computers… 'X' is some control, 'm' are ... Well, when I send to my base, I send a file to some 'm' and that .. and now that circle is here, the ball is my base ... so it's got control, and that's okay and so the other person, the third person... This is now a type of city, the whole country is there... and it's only important that you draw... when I say a bad word, if I type in a bad word on the search engine, you know what's going to happen. And this especially and terrorists and what's happening, and that control recognizes it and then activates it ... and that's a good thing about the Internet. And how did you get to hear about the algorithms, that you learned something about it? I know that everything works through an algorithm, literally everything, over the phone... that means now if you want to record, you have to call it, you have to have an algorithm that will support it, now that it will look, but now I know less, but I know that through an algorithm that uses an IP address, it works all over it through this algorithm, I suppose it is. And how did you find out about the algorithm, like this? I know this from everyday life, from school ...