Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 57-year-old male retiree and coffee shop owner in Bosnia.

Can you explain to me what you drew here? It's like, how can I explain it to you now... it's circling, but it's never a complete circle. And what do you want to say with that? So everything is available. Nothing is constant. Everything changes. That is it. Today, already in five minutes, it's not all the same anymore. What is this cross for? This is a square system. A square system. And these lines surrounding...? These are your integral equations, meaning it can go to plus, in minus, under, above, left, right just like the universe moves, that is ... Algorithm is one help, and the more educated people know and mathematicians, too. Nothing is constant. The Pythagorean Theorems and Einstein's and ... Sometimes the youth will reach, I have to say, how far it was. But it is likely that their computers will receive information that they can develop further. How did you find out how the algorithm works? [Laughs] Well, I learned about it a bit in school. When did you find out? I learned something about this... well, that's mathematics in these mathematical formulas, I learned something. Although it does not matter to an ordinary person, it can be said that the faster the flow of information, what they do, how it works, and it's ... Who will explain this to an ordinary man when ninety percent of the population is illiterate. Why should he care about it, if he is not even interested in how it works? He wants to have information.