Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 41-year-old female politician in Bosnia.

I associate the algorithm to some networks. Wait how can I draw that now. God save. As with the first drawing, don't be shy ... No, no I'm not ashamed, just, just to see. Feel free to take all the time. I don't know, some kind of networks, if this is related to this, then this kind of information connects to this and it kind of gets networked. These ove ... Yes. I just put everything under a triangle Yes triangles are ... Yes the tops of these are inside this information is flowing here, then this here and then, somehow in the form of a network, I simply network whatever that means. Or networking, maybe networking is a better term. Networking. So I'm kind of experiencing an algorithm. Like some kind of networking, that something is connected to something and it drags one another. There you go. Okay and how, when you heard, you said you heard I heard about the algorithm, I heard it a long time ago, and the word algorithm was mentioned, but for me this one, they have some algorithmic tables or what, but the fact is that maybe our subconscious on that one works, I think yes some connections, but I don't know but I think it has to do with our subconscious. Those kinds of frequencies with our thoughts, and then I keep saying that in a spiritual sense, and as for maybe the internet and that information, maybe these algorithms convey information through them, it seems to me so. Now, I have some information left over through some algorithms to transmit information in that virtual world, because to me that virtual world is not very clear to me this details, but I know that some of these systems of information transfer are what I experience. And how did it come to be that you learned something about algorithms? I didn't learn but only heard something along the way, so it stayed in my head, but since I didn't care much, I didn't have much left. Good. No, I didn't care because I don't understand it best. I don't understand the transmission of information by the sound of it, I just don't understand the team, you, you just don't understand this physics here and the way. It was never my stronger side and then when something was not a stronger apartment I didn't even indulge myself in doing something right now, it is not clear to me that the paste copy copy now is to click here and that I click there now and that I have transferred something there now , I don't understand how I conveyed it. I just don't understand that system that I clicked here and transferred that to another form and just copied it, I don't know how. Well, I don't understand the system, but I think it just happens by some algorithms. With some algorithms that left me in the brain somewhere, it seems to me some of the information I have about algorithms.