Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 21-year-old male economics undergraduate student in Germany.

And then can you explain to me again what you see there? So you see quasi... So in my eyes an algorithm works in such a way that it gets information in some way and then evaluates it according to a scheme. It tests first, has this information a yes or a no or something, then you come to two strands or... So the information would be zero up here. Exactly. And then two dashes go down from it: one and two. This can also be a lot more.../ This is a simplification, but quasi first test the first and then two of them come again. Okay, now she's found out, that's one. Then you have made a stroke to one and then go from one to two strokes again. Exactly. And then they test again. Okay, now I have more specific information. So I've got that from the information that's important to me first of all, now that's going to sit down again specifically about what I... that's more important to me and then that goes on and on until she finds out at the end exactly what either the website wants or what you want to have. So what now, so to speak, if you now follow a path here, for example here, what will be shown to you then? Then you will be shown the shortest joint. Okay, okay. Good. Great. Every step is also stored here, so the information is also stored directly in the algorithm. Okay. In general: How did you learn something about how algorithms work? I don't know. At some point you probably watched a video about it on YouTube and other articles. You hear that more often than not. I checked Wikipedia once. In what context? Yes, in... The algorithm works somehow or YouTube for example checks videos according to an algorithm or.... algorithm, so for me this is just an automatic... quasi an automatic, without human influence from any computer that checks anything. And therefore... Were there any specific occasions why you now somehow? Since exactly me about that?... I think rather so I can't remember when I got this knowledge what I think is an algorithm, but I never looked that up any further because I somehow always thought to know what an algorithm is.