Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 23-year-old female student on bachelor level in Germany.

Can you briefly explain to me again what I see here? So I would say that the algorithm just collects an incredible amount of data and histories and what I click or exactly what I do. That's an uncanny amount of data, I'd say. Somehow the algorithm evaluates it. Probably by frequency et cetera and sorts it somehow by order and in maybe different subject areas. And there you can see this arrow. It's the sort that takes place and then one, two, three, a, b, c, that's the sort that takes place. Exactly, so I'd say he's probably sorting it into different categories and into different orders somehow or/ just as somehow I appreciate it. Okay. Good. In general: How did you learn about the functionality of algorithms? Did I actually learn about the media in any way? I can't say exactly when I first heard about an algorithm, but/ So about reports somewhere that you read or something I think radio, newspaper, television. Somewhere probably there. But that's not a concrete one now... you can't think of a concrete occasion or something now, with which the... Yes, that was somehow related to the fact that somewhere in social networks with Facebook or Instagram, in which order the posts are somehow displayed or how the advertising is displayed. In a context like this, I think it's the first time I've heard of it, but somewhere it's through the media.